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Trilogy Oilfield Ltd.

We are an established provider of tools and expertise across multiple Oilfield disciplines specializing in rentals, pipe recovery (fishing), abandonments and completions. Currently we maintain full time operating units in Provost, Weyburn, and Kindersley.


Oilfield Equipment Rentals


Oilfield service company supplying professionally supervised services to the Oil industry.

Multi disciplined service company supplying rental, completion, abandonment and fishing tools. Customized machining and design services.




Rentals, fishing, abandonments, completions and thru tubing services. From the tried and true to the new and cutting edge, we stock it all. 28 years and counting.



Bridge plugs and retainers, casing scrapers, orbit valves, setting tools, test tools, cement and accessories from thru tubing sizes to open hole inflates. 

Should the well require remedial fishing in advance of abandonment we have a full complement of pipe recovery and milling equipment. 

Image by Jeff W


We are an established provider of Oilfield tools and supervision with full time operating units in Provost, Weyburn, and Kindersley. We also provide seasonal and project specific stations in Fort St. John, Fort McMurray, LacLaBiche and others as customers require. Further to our stations we follow the adage "have tools will travel" and are not averse to giving breaks for delivery kilometres to facilitate our presence on location.


In the way of a brief history, the company was formed in 1994 with a simple goal, build the company by reinvesting earnings in tools that fit our customers needs. The fledgling company has grown into a multi dimensional service provider capable of delivering results in areas such as drilling, completions, abandonments, remedial fishing, coiled tubing drilling, coiled tubing fishing, through tubing services, production services and service rig rental tools. (see our products page for a better overview). The mobile design of our trailer mounted equipment has customer value as its primary focus.


In an age where competence and experience are varied in the service industry, Trilogy is still capable of providing experienced on site personnel with valuable first hand knowledge of our industry and its variables.


Our focus has always been to provide great value.. as the legend Warren Buffett is quick to point out... "PRICE IS WHAT YOU PAY VALUE IS WHAT YOU GET". We like that statement as it informs the customer satisfaction ethos that drives our services focus. 




Rental Tools

Well control equipment including BOP’s for service rigs and coil rigs, mobile accumulators, annular BOP packages and RS100 heads, full opening 7 1/16th orbit and gate valves.


Pipe handling tools including 4.5” equipment packages for service rigs.


Drilling support tools, collars, substitutes, pack offs, flanges, spools, swages, mobile catwalks, casing scrapers,swab equipment, tubing bailers, slip type elevators from 1.6” to 7”, basically from the crown flags to the bit and everything in between.

Fishing Tools

Everything from well preparation in advance of getting latched to complete dressing of the fish to be removed. Wash over services, casing repairs, milling, drilling and jarring. We supply everything from the mill to the power swivel, over shots, bumper subs, jars, intensifiers, drill collars, swaging tools, casing jacks, etc.


As an added bonus, whenever possible the tool hand delivers the tools on one of our mobile catwalks.


Experienced supervision available on request.



Coil Tools

Performance drilling tools including dimples, motor heads, customized mills and bits. Pulse generators and agitators, bi directional jars, floats, disconnects and diverter subs.


Cleanout packages including venturi tools, agitators, indexing tools, knuckle joints, junk subs and fishing tools.


Complete custom thru tubing packages for internal tubing cutting that include, dimple, motor head, bi directional jars, anchors, performance drilling motors and customized hydraulic cutters.


Well specific tool strings for frac ports and other horizontal completion systems requiring plug removal. Customized mills, motors and agitation packages for the various scenarios encountered.


Drilling Tools

Performance drilling motors from 45mm to 158mm, pressure balanced sealed bearing technology on the bottom end through to customized power sections for fluid or air drilling. 25 years experience with owned equipment. We own our tools and track all service and repair records to ensure fresh, capable tools are run in the well.


Power swivels. Trailer mounted swivel packages for all remedial drilling and fishing operations.


Accessory tools for drilling. Everything and anything you can imagine, from the bit or mill to the pack off and everything in between. Collars, subs, load cells, handling tools, safety valves, casing scrapers, etc.


Mills and bits.


From thru tubing sizes to surface bits on drilling rigs. Mills from thru tubing sizes to inside 13 5/8 casing, custom cutting structures, blade profiles, nozzles and shapes. Bits, mills, pdcs, plug removal tools, wash shoes all available in custom stylings.



Image by Jared Evans

Completion Tools

Bridge plugs in wireline set, tubing conveyed and retrievable Wr style. 


Cement retainers and remedial work over tools.


Packers in permanent, retrievable and inflatable styles. 


Service tools including no turns, swivels, profiles, drains etc.


Specialty tools including thru tubing packers, composite plugs, dump bailers, cleanout packages and equalizing valves.


Repair services on obsolete tools provided if parts are available.


All services offered with experienced and competent supervision.


Horizontal completion packages include down hole ball retrieval assemblies for stac frac balls swabbed or bailed into the well bore. Customized rental packages to handle tie back strings etc. also available to augment the frac port and seat drilling services.




For any inquiries, questions or commendations, please call: 1-780-753-6097 or fill out the following form

Contact Us

Head Office

Trilogy Oilfield Ltd. (Mailing)
P.O Box 264
Provost, AB T0B 3S0


Physical: 403011 HWY 899N

Tel: 1 (780) 753-6097

Thanks for submitting!


Trilogy Oilfield Ltd.
PO Box 716
Weyburn, SK S4H2K8

Tel: 1 (306) 842-3322


Trilogy Oilfield Ltd.
202 B 12th Ave E
kindersley, SK S0L 1S0

Tel: 1 (306) 460-4799

© 2021 by Trilogy Oilfield Rentals LTD.

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